Buy backhoe loader 399 two wheel drive suitable for front tractor online with free consultation

Backhoe shovel is actually a type of shovel that is connected to the back of the tractor and is a hydraulic device. This shovel can be mounted on the car. The shovel bucket is connected to a powerful arm and the operator performs the digging operation. Gives.

This shovel has a hydraulic frame that is capable of moving the bucket and arm easily and can store and move the soil easily. Visit reputable online stores and sites and buy the product easily.

Backhoe Turkey
Backhoe Turkey is one of the loaders that has an excavator on its back and can be used for light work, this backhoe is one of the shovels that has dual function and can be used for small environments Digging and digging the ground in the form of a ditch is the most common use of this type of shovel.

The angle of the shovel and the radius of its arms are different in digging, this shovel has a special and rotatable seat that the operator can use to easily move towards the machine when it is off, this loader shovel for the first time It was invented, produced and developed by Wayne Roy Company in 1947.

Before buying this shovel, you should get enough and useful information about how it works and the efficiency of the device, you should know what kind of pits can be excavated with these devices or how you can use them to cover a lot of land. dug, the power of the machine should be examined, the backhoe has two main parts, one is the tractor and the machine to which the shovel is connected, and the other is the loader, which is located in the other part.

A tractor that has a backhoe can easily move in all heights and heights and has a very strong and powerful engine and can be charged. These types of tractors use large tires for better movement. The control of this device is done with brake and steering wheel and it is designed very elegantly and beautifully. Two types of cabins are designed for these devices, one is completely closed and the other has a roof only in its upper part.

The loader is in the front part of the tractor and the shovel is connected to the back of the tractor. The loader is not suitable for digging and is more like a spoon and it is mostly used for carrying equipment and smoothing raised surfaces, but the shovel is used for digging. is placed, in compressed and firm surfaces such as the ground, only a shovel can be used for digging, and it can also be used to lift heavy and large objects such as sewer pipes, respectively, an excavator, unlike a loader, has a shape It is similar to the fingers and is used to lift or move heavy and compact items.

Due to the fact that the shovel has three parts, arm, rake and bucket, it is similar to the arm of the hand, and you can use it to remove the soil and move it upside down.

moves and performs the soil harvesting operation, another characteristic of the backhoe is that it has stabilizer legs, the stabilizer legs are placed at the rear of the wheels, when the backhoe is digging. The pressure is placed on the stabilizing bases and the drilling operation takes place with a higher power.

These bases prevent the device from slipping and sliding into the pit and make the tractor stand firmly in place and not fall into the ditch during the implementation operation. There are two types of heels in the stabilizing bases, each They are used in a specific place, shoe heels are used to stabilize the tractor in dirt fields, and plastic heels are suitable for use on asphalt.

Shoe heels are not suitable for use on asphalt because they push the soil aside and stick to the ground because they will cause holes in the asphalt and damage it. To use the shovel, the tractor must be completely parked and then the operator starts. Use a shovel to remove soil, but there is no need to park the tractor to use the loader, and the operator can easily maneuver and shake the loader.

The loader and the shovel are in fact complementary to each other because when the soil is dug by the shovel and completely moved, then the loader must be available so that it can easily move the soil from its place, so that it can be used if needed. Electric devices or pipes can be placed in the ditch in the most convenient way. Backhoe shovels are used the most for digging the ground and filling its place with a loader.

To place pipes or cables underground in construction, we need a backhoe to do the work at a high speed. The size they have has very good performance and they can be used for digging without any shortcomings. If you intend to buy a Turkish backhoe, it is better to make your purchase from a reputable store that has a warranty related to the device. It allows you to contact support in case of a problem and solve the problem.

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