Four-blade hydraulic pen plow

In the agricultural industry, various machines are used for farming, such as the hole digger, examples of which are iron bulls, hydraulic pen plates, and four harrows, and they help farmers a lot. These products have different shapes and each one is for planting or harvesting. are being used.

In fact, one of the most basic and main agricultural tools is the iron cow. This product was made of wood in ancient times and was tied to the cow and plowed the land with it. This product was made and used in all countries, the agricultural industry is the basis of production, and we have always tried to use these products more. Today, modern models of them are produced and placed in the hands of the public. The most important and main work of plows is furrowing and moving soil and preparing agricultural land for planting crops. Also furrowing for the passage of water to agricultural land is done by this product. It is possible that the first construction and production of iron bulls was for plowing and furrowing the land, and after some time, other samples were produced to perform various tasks and reached the hands of landowners and farmers for other uses.

Pen plate plow
One of the most important and basic tasks for sowing seeds is plowing or turning the field soil. Using the iron plate plow makes it easier to plow hard and rough lands. It turns agriculture upside down, this causes the soils to move together and in some way causes oxygenation to the lower surface, it also causes the vitamins on the soil and organic fertilizer to go down to a lower level and to strengthen and grow the crop better. The slow operation of the plate iron bull is made of a series of plate-like metal collars, and they can be placed singly or four on one axis, and it works manually or hydraulically. This device can be used on all types of tractors. It is capable of plowing all kinds of fields. The rotating and rotating mode of this product can return all the hay and dried grass to the soil, which causes nutrients to enter the soil and improves the quality of the final product. This product has many uses and can be used for different tasks according to the application It is used for small and large lands and makes the work of farmers easier.

Hydraulic disc plow
The use of various types of agricultural tools is different compared to their different samples. The hydraulic disc plow is made using high-pressure oil pumps that it contains and can plow all types of land in the best way. This product is made of plates. Rotary and hydraulic pumps are located on the sides of the main blade, and it raises and lowers the main bases through hydraulic oil, which can put pressure on the ground and make the ground more prone to overturning. The steel in the blades as well as the powerful hydraulic pump can multiply its efficiency. Each blade of the plate iron or its discs are produced in the shape of a bowl and by rotating for a length of 50 to 90 cm around a The axles can turn the land well. These products are produced in single to quadruple forms, each of which can have different uses in agricultural industries. It was possible to put a lot of pressure and force on the worker, but with the construction of two plate iron bulls Rani, these problems were solved and this device has replaced the previous models, which can perform its tasks well.

Four-pointed plate plow
Various models of agricultural implements and tractor shovels have been produced and their performance is different from each other. The four-plate iron bull is one of the most popular models of the iron bull. to be used, many people prefer to buy this type of device and do the work of plowing the farmers’ land, thus making them earn an income in this field. It can turn the soil well and make the land uniform, this makes the land give its nutrients to the final product well, and also prevents soil erosion in this way. And its type can be used and buyers can choose the best type for their purchase by taking advice and use them easily. These products are produced in different grades and can have different prices, but those who They want to buy these devices They should try to make their purchase from the sales authority or as a production to consumption.

According to the needs of farmers, our company has been active in the field of production and sale of agricultural tools such as bulldozers and shovel tractors for a long time. These products are produced and sold in different ways in our collection. produce them and sell them in different volumes and sizes so that farmers and consumers can use these devices in the best way, as well as consultants We have placed it in this field so that they can guide you in the field of purchase and use, and you can contact us for advice and purchase of these types of devices through communication channels and regarding the purchase of these types of products or see their photos. You can take action.

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