Waterproof PVC plastic fabric water hose

There is a pipe in the market that is hollow and very flexible, these products are called PVC plastic fabric water hose, which will be used to transport water.

These products are mainly waterproof, which means that when water passes through it, it does not leak and is completely dry.

These products are offered in the sales markets in metric form, which we will explain further.

Usually, this device is used to irrigate gardens or for other purposes, which has different sizes.

Because these products are placed in the open space, they must have a special quality so that they can withstand environmental factors such as sunlight, cold, frost, etc.

Fabric water hose
An example of these products is available in the market, which is used to transfer liquids, fabric water hose has different prices according to its quality.

These products also have many variations, for example, the high pressure fabric water hose is very flexible and can withstand high pressure. It is of particular importance due to the high pressure of water transfer.

Fabric hoses are less flexible than other plastic hoses due to their high pressure resistance.

Due to its better quality, the mentioned product has higher prices than other existing samples, that’s why it will be used more in industries and big places like municipalities.

Plastic water hose
There are examples of plastic water hoses that are made of polyethylene or PVC. They may also produce hoses by combining these two products.

It can be said that PVC hose is a widely used example of hoses that are used in many applications, and its jelly type is used for watering green spaces and trees.

Among the advantages of this type of product, we can mention the complete irrigation of trees, as well as its flexibility and lightness in transportation.

This sample of products can be used to wash the balcony and the interior of the house. In fact, we can point to examples of the use of these products that are used in agriculture, gardening, personal use in homes, industry, etc.

There are examples of these products that are only used in one place and the people who used it did not realize its other uses.

PVC water hose
When buying PVC water hose samples, you should pay attention to several points, the first thing is the resistance of these samples to heat, because in the production of these products, due to the fact that oil is used, they perform poorly against heat and easily It burns in the fire.

The next thing is the thickness of these products so that it does not change shape easily in front of heat, because if it has a small thickness, it will change shape quickly if it is close to the heat source.

The next item is the resistance of the hose during handling and transfer because it must act as an insulator against the transfer of electric current.

In general, it can be said that PVC hoses have a special resistance that will not be easily destroyed.

Waterproof optical hose
There are examples of products that are marketed as hoses, but their performance is different from water hoses, for example, a waterproof light hose is a thread with LEDs on it, which is used for lighting, but on its name The title of hose is used.

Rubber water hoses
An example of hoses has been produced, which according to the materials used for its production, has all the necessary standards of this product, rubber water hoses have different brands in the market.

One of the most important features of these products is the type of rubber used in it, its first-class consumables, the life of the manufactured product, its uses, the country of its manufacture, its single-walledness, etc.

The price of this type of product has different prices according to its available sizes in the market, which you can buy according to your needs.

The material used in the production of this product has high quality and longevity, which increases the life of the hose, this product has high flexibility due to the presence of Manjid in it.

In addition to irrigation, this product will be used for other purposes as well because it is very resistant to direct sunlight.

Fireproof water hose
An example of hoses with clear and bright colors is available in the market, which we all have seen at least once. These hoses are fireproof because pure silicone materials are used in their production.

These products are able to withstand heat at a temperature of 100 to 250 degrees, these hoses show a very high resistance to tearing and bursting, and can also be resistant to ultraviolet rays.

These products have high flexibility that will not become brittle under any conditions. In addition, the bending radius of this sample of products is also very high.

Split water hose
When Coolrasplit is working, it must drain the amount of evaporated water. At this time, Split water hose must be used to do this.

This product plays a very important role in the operation of the cooler because all the moisture collects on this hose.

This type of hose is made of PVC, which has a fitting to the water outlet point inside the tank.

R is connected.

An example of these products is in the form of a hose, and the other example is like a simple hose.

When this hose is clogged, the existing cooler does not work properly and causes malfunctions in its system.

When we connect the split hose to the respective cooler, we are sure that the device will perform its activity correctly, that is, it will drain all the moisture that collects in the device.

Boa water hose
An example of these products is produced, which has special colors, which are called water hose products.

The colors in which these products are produced are green, red, blue and yellow. We can name Boa Hose as the best producer of colored hoses in Iran.

This sample of products is packed in different sizes in different dimensions inside the factory and is sold in the same packaging.

Sample score 2 These products are used for number 2 faucets, in addition to that, the mentioned product is used in domestic, industrial and applications such as construction projects as a durable product.

When buying this sample of products, we should pay attention to factors such as its high quality, very reasonable price, high-quality materials and the flexibility that the product in question brings.

Canvas water hose

Canvas water hose
There is a sample of hoses that has a tarpaulin material, that’s why it is called a tarpaulin water hose, which you may have seen mostly in the hands of firefighters.

This hose is mostly used in agricultural purposes in such a way that they install the relevant hose to diesel or gasoline pumps and then irrigate their agricultural lands.

These products have very high flexibility and show high durability against different weather conditions.

In addition to the mentioned items, this product can be used against heat and cold because it does not show any reaction against these factors.

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