Bill Backhoe 399 P Makina Advanced

One of the heavy machines used in the field of digging the ground or digging a ditch is the Backhoe 399 Pi Makina, which is produced and sold in various types such as advanced or simple.

This shovel is usually used to carry out light work and earthmoving with small dimensions or to move pipes. Also, this product is classified and introduced to the public based on the power of the shovel that is installed behind these machines by their manufacturing companies. be.

Bill Backhoe 399
It is safe to say that the 399 backhoe loader is one of the best types of machines for a trailer behind a tractor that you can get for doing agricultural or construction work, and from the longevity and quality of each and every part of this product, such as the engine, shovel and even Be sure about the body of the car.

With the ability to rotate 180 degrees, this product allows you to choose the angle and strength of the shovel yourself, but it is better to use it for smaller jobs because it may be smaller than other types of this machine. You may not get the desired result or irreparable damage to the backhoe engine and parts.

Bill Backhoe P. McKenna
If you have worked with any of the heavy machines and mechanical excavators in the past, you should know that the P Makina backhoe is a smaller version with more features than mechanical excavators for trolley tractors, and your only limitation for using this machine is in the field of excavations. It is very wide and places with a very large volume.

The important point when preparing this product is the power and type of engine that is installed in its system, and you should make sure that it contains the necessary power and ability according to your consumption.

Advanced backhoe
One of the prominent features of the advanced backhoe is the ability to determine the exact power and angle of attack of the backhoe mounted on the back of this machine, and by using this feature, work can be done more quickly and accurately with an oil jack.

This product is very popular with the public because of its high capacity compared to its small size and the hydraulic system that is installed in most types of backhoes, and at the same time its more reasonable price compared to larger mechanical excavators. .

Four wheel steering wheel loader
When you sit in the control room of the four-wheeled backhoe loader, you can easily steer it using the device’s control handle and with a great viewing angle, and worry about the fuel consumption of this machine or the sensitivity of the work it does. Don’t worry, because with a simple tutorial and explanation about how this trailer works behind the new tractor, you will be able to achieve the best result with the least amount of error.

Rubber wheel backhoe
So far, we have given you a brief explanation about the technical specifications of the backhoe with rubber wheels and other types of wheeled trailers, and in this section we will take a closer look at the features of this shovel.

This product can bring you the best performance with a maximum shovel angle of 56 degrees in loaded mode and a maximum shovel angle of 45 degrees in unloaded mode.

chain shovel
As we mentioned earlier, the backhoe has a digging depth of 88 mm, which is suitable for digging with a small volume, and you can easily request the addition of an air conditioner to these machines to provide your well-being in the summer season. And the price of the shovel tractor, don’t worry about the hard working conditions in the hot and cold days of the year.

Used backhoe shop
If you are one of those people who do not have enough funds to buy and prepare this product, you can easily find a second-hand backhoe for Turkish tractor by referring to Google or its market after checking the engine and body according to your needs. Get it at a much lower price, but note that even to buy a second-hand shovel, you must pay attention to the authenticity of the manufacturer and product warranty.

Old backhoe
The production of this product started years ago in our country and each of us may have seen at least one of the old or new types of backhoes in the street, but with the passage of time, the manufacturers of this product after producing older types and Based on the needs of the customers, they decided to upgrade their work level and by using the technology of the hole digger, they produced the best backhoe for the market.

6 cylinder backhoe
Due to its dual function, these machines can be both an excavator and a loader, and one of the most popular of these excavators is the 6-cylinder backhoe, which due to its powerful engine and features Benazirish became one of the best-selling types of shovels after a short period of time when it entered the market.

Bill Backhoe 1376 250z
The compact yet roomy cabin with great visibility in the 1376 250z backhoe makes this heavy machine one of the most popular types of shovels in the international market, and it is enough to get behind the wheel once. Take a seat in order to realize the functionality and capabilities of this product from the comfort of the seat and the ease of controlling the device.

Bill Backhoe 500 63 850
One of the modern and up-to-date products in the field of excavators is the Backhoe 500 63 850, which has received the attention of active people in this field by using the best technology in the world.

You can contact the number listed on our site to prepare any type of backhoe and with the guidance of our experienced consultants.

Get the best type according to your needs and become one of the loyal customers of the collection in a short time due to the quality of our products.

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