Isfahan tractor front and rear shovel

A practical tool that is used for digging a hole is called front and rear garden tractor shovel, whose production group in Isfahan has tried to provide this product with the best quality.

This device is widely used in road construction, animal husbandry and agricultural industries, and there is an excavator in the front and rear of this tractor, which is used for light work.

Due to its dual function, this machine is used in many projects, which we will discuss further in the following articles.

Front shovel of Isfahan tractor
As mentioned above, the front shovel of Isfahan tractor has many uses and they are produced in different sizes, small and large, for use in civil works, construction and farms.

To increase the functionality and efficiency of this machine, multi-purpose front shovels, telescopic rear mast, front driving axle, equipped cabin, sliding side shift, gearbox and differential lock are used.

These machines usually have a power between 75 and 150 horsepower and have manual and automatic gears behind the tractor and have a mechanical or electric hydraulic valve.

Isfahan tractor shovel
Today, many farmers use shovels and trolleys with a pair of tractor wheels to facilitate their work, and this product is also produced in Isfahan with the best quality.

Before using the tractor shovel, you must observe some safety points, including:

Use standard hydraulic oil.
After every 80 hours of useful shovel work, the joints must be fully greased.
Do not use before making sure that the connections and screws are tight.
The distance between the bucket and the ground should be about 40 cm during long distances.
Isfahan tractor rear shovel
To carry out digging operations, the backhoe and trailer behind the new tractor are used, which are known as backhoe and backhoe, and are produced in Isfahan with the best method.

These shovels have some advantages, including:

Equipped with a swivel chair
Bearing high pressure by shovel
The possibility of controlling the shovel from inside the cabin
One hundred and eighty degrees rotation of the shovel
Two types of milk steak
Ability to dig the channel next to the wall with high precision
And many other benefits that we will discuss further.

Isfahan Tractor Loader
As mentioned in the above content, loader shovel and tractor trailer oil jack is one of the highest quality products produced in Isfahan.

People who work in the field of agriculture and construction industry have many uses of this device, and each of them can choose a small or large model according to their needs.

The construction of these devices has improved the performance and speed in the agricultural industry, that’s why it has attracted the attention of many farmers.

Isfahan wall shovel shop
Did you know that other names are tractor backhoe, backhoe and trailer tractor, and you can buy its models for sale in Isfahan through the wall.

You should know that the tractor alone will not be of any special use, and for more and better benefits, tools such as tractor shovel, farrower, iron bull, border fence and many other things should be used.

Khorasan tractor rear shovel
In this section, we would like to introduce you to the backhoe and loader loader tractor, known as the backhoe, which are produced and offered in Khorasan.

Excavators have different jacks, the four-jack type is one of the most widely used types for tractors, which use four double-pressure, two-way hydraulic jacks with high quality in their construction and production, which will balance the excavators during loading. .

Kerman tractor shovel
In order to make things easier in agriculture, you should use tractor shovels and agricultural tools, which are produced in some cities, especially in Kerman.

The advantages of the 4-jack shovel include the following:

Machine buckets can be replaced
The possibility of easy replacement of buckets
Easy to install on all types of tractors
Using anti-wear steel nails
Using high quality alloy sheet
Tractor shovels have different components such as: valve and lever, bucket and arm, chassis, nut, screw, hose, tank and pump.

Shiraz tractor shovel
Today, many manufacturers are active in the field of excavator production and tractor export, one of them is in Shiraz, which is offered with the best quality.

Tractor shovels are produced with different jacks, including: 4 jacks, 3 jacks, and 2 jacks, and the shovels can be installed and used on all kinds of tractors, but it has the highest efficiency on the Ferguson model.

Professional tractor shovel
The device that can adjust the height of the tractor shovel is the height, which helps a lot in ease of work.

The use of this device makes people who work in agriculture and construction work better and save their time.

Excavators have buckets, which are in different types, such as: buckets for cutting silos, snow plows, buckets for concrete mixers, and others.

Wall tractor shovel price
You definitely know that according to some factors, the price of a tractor shovel is different, which is determined on the wall according to whether they are new or second-hand.

This machine is used to perform construction works such as moving soil, digging underground, laying soil around pipes, filling ditches, loading trucks and transporting construction materials and concrete.

It should be noted that the size of shovels is prepared according to the size and type of tractor because the blade, length and width of this device are different, which some of

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