Mashhad front and rear tractor shovel

Today, in the agricultural industry, all kinds of tractors with shovels suitable for the front and rear of the tractor are produced in Mashhad and it has met the need of a part of the country for this product. is.

This device has a great effect in increasing the efficiency of the tractor and the tractor shovel and the tractor itself are complementary to each other and each one is not useful on its own.

The tractor front shovel is produced in 3-jack and 4-jack types, and because of the number of hydraulic jacks, they have given this name to them. And it has more ability and is used not only in agriculture but also in industry.

The price of a tractor shovel in Mashhad
According to the type of agricultural machinery, such as tractor shovel, its price is different, and in Mashhad, where there is one of these tractor shovel manufacturers, various types of this shovel are manufactured and supplied.

The tractor shovel has 7 parts, each of which has its own unique task, these parts are the jack shovel, loader, chassis, front shovel lever, bucket and arm, bolts and hoses, and finally the hydraulic pump. .

Of course, the last part, the hydraulic pump, works in some weak tractors and is used to increase the power of the tractor.

Mashhad tractor shovel
As it was mentioned, all kinds of tractors are produced with international standards in Mashhad and the possibility of buying these products is available for those interested in the agricultural industry.

All types of tractor shovels can be installed on different tractors, and in order to install them, you should get help and guidance from experts in this field, if this device is installed incorrectly on the tractor, a lot of load and pressure will definitely be applied to the tractor and cause irreparable damage to it. will be

Therefore, always have the necessary knowledge when using agricultural tools, and if you do not know about them, use experts in this matter.

Mashhad tractor front shovel price
As we said, the price of a tractor front shovel depends on its quality and type, and its manufacturing cities, namely Mashhad or any other city, do not determine the price.

From the technical specifications of this product, we can mention load bearing 1200 kg, width 1500 x 1800 mm, volume 400 to 500 liters, weight 720 kg and height 3900 mm.

Also, for the durability of that color, the manufacturer must have used two-component epoxy paints, and otherwise, the possibility of its loss due to wear and friction is not far from the eyes.

Mashhad backhoe tractor
One of the largest tractor backhoe manufacturers is located in Mashhad and has been able to send its products to neighboring countries.

When using this product, it is necessary to observe the following points.

To lubricate the product, use standard hydraulic oil. When moving forward, if the shovel bucket is full, prevent the steering wheel from moving. put.

Always have the product manual available so that you can fix it if there is any problem with the product, and at the end, visit the technical experts at short intervals so that you can use the maximum power of the product.

Loader tractor Mashhad
Another product of the company located in Mashhad is the tractor loader, which provides you with the features of a small loader.

Its advantages can be mentioned as follows.

Fast moving speed of soil and sand and other items, various sizes and capacities, with global standards, with steel nails for destroying all types of brick and concrete walls, with a suitable height from the ground for high earth removal, can be installed on all tractors and also Using high-quality and long-lasting colors.

Bale tractor factory

Also, make sure that the number of nails in the shovel has a great impact on the strength of the loader shovel, and when buying, try to visit the store with more knowledge.

Arak tractor shovel
The industrial city of Arak is one of the cities that produces all kinds of shovel tractors with world-class standards and uses professional experts in this field.

Note that every 80 hours of working with tractor shovels, grease the connections and wash them with oil or diesel, and pay special attention to changing the oil filter.

Also, while working with a tractor shovel, you must be sure that the hydraulic oil is clean and healthy, and if there are any impurities in it, replace it before using it.

The price of the front shovel of the Arak tractor
Arak Minutes Machinery Company manufactures all kinds of agricultural tools, including tractor front shovels, animal husbandry machines, silo cutters, etc., and provides them to customers at reasonable prices.

The hydraulic pump is one of the important components of this product and you should replace it every 3 months.

Arak minutes tractor shovel
As we said, Daqeeq Arak company produces all kinds of excavators with international standards and supplies them in domestic and foreign markets.

One of the standards of this product is the presence of steel materials and alloys in it, which increase strength and number

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