Today, you can buy all kinds of shovels at daily prices from the hardware store to work in the agricultural land using hand tools. A shovel is a multi-purpose tool that is used in agriculture, gardening and construction workshops.

A spade usually consists of a broad blade with a long handle and a curved tip, but you’ll find these tools in many different shapes and sizes, each serving different purposes. It has a wide range of applications.

This agricultural tool is used to dig and move materials such as soil, grains, etc. from one place to another. Shoveling is a hard and exhausting work that can put a lot of pressure on the whole body, especially the spine. The tractor shovel used by consumers today is not chosen by them, for example, a worker working in a workshop shed uses the tools provided by the employer to do his work, which may not be standard. There is a corresponding

In maintaining the shovel, the farmer must follow some points, such as: To prevent rusting, the metal parts of the shovel should be regularly oiled or painted, and after using it, the metal blade should be cleaned and the wooden handle of this agricultural tool should be cleaned. Keep away from termite attack.

Types of agricultural shovels
Choosing the right tool determines the difference between a long day of hard work and an easy one, depending on the application of the shovel, different types of it are used for agricultural land and orchards.

Some models are specifically designed for one task, and some of them can be used for a series of garden or agricultural activities. Regarding this valuable tool, we intend to provide simple explanations of the design of different parts and their use. to present

flat shovel
As the name suggests, this particular spade comes with a smooth concave shaped blade, the smooth blade is very useful when scooping up material from the soil, this type of second hand spade works great when digging in soft soil, but the work It is very difficult with it in harder soils because the smooth end does not penetrate hard soil easily.

trench shovel
This type of shovel, which is also called a clean shovel in some parts of the world, is the complete opposite of flat shovels. Trench shovels have a sharp curve at the end and a long narrow blade that helps them penetrate any type of soil. , the sharp curve helps to penetrate any soil type with minimal effort, their ability to work with all types of soil has made them popular in the market.

Scoop shovel
The shovel scoop is also widely popular, especially when it comes to gardening enthusiasts, this tool is not designed for digging, it has a flat tip with a concave blade that, as As its name suggests, it is used to collect materials and specifically to transport loose soil from one place to another.

digging shovel
Known as the all-purpose shovel in gardening and agriculture, there are many different types of Volvo excavators available, each suited for a specific job.

sharp shovel
Ideal as a tool for cleaning lawns and gardens with hard soil types due to its sharp tip, it is also great for digging in rocky ground that may be difficult to move without extra pressure, its unique shape It makes it easy to press your body weight on the rod and use it to dig in deeper ground.

Power Bill
This tool is also known as an electric shovel, this model of shovel has blades that are used to remove and scatter snow or obstacles on the roads, since it is also used as an electric Snowpars shovel, Bajrian. The power works and allows you to clear the snow-covered paths with ease.

As expected, its price is higher than other normal models, it is also useful for places where it is not possible to use a snow plow due to its small size.

shovel the hole
It is a kind of double spade connected in parallel, the long narrow blades curved inwards and the curved tip is related to the design of this tool, the shape of the blades helps the spade to dig up roots or whatever If it gets in their way, it will be cut.

It is used for drilling deep holes which results in much cleaner holes for a clean and professional look, also remember that when the blades are closed together they create a cylindrical shape.

root shovel
This model of spade varies in design, usually they all have long triangular blades that can come to a point at the tip or are sometimes cut to create a flat tip.

The side edges of the blade are often serrated, which helps in sawing the roots of plants, these tools are designed to remove plants and trees, due to the blade it has, it is used to cut the strong roots of plants and or a small tree is used, removing old roots provides space for new roots to spread.

It should be noted that when the soil is wet, increase the organic matter of the soil so that it can be absorbed more easily, and also avoid plowing, harvesting and other operations in the agricultural land.

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